Day Nine–Tallinn, a fairy tale city.


As we sailed towards Tallinn it appeared just like a fairy-tale town, high on a hill with towers and church spires pointing into the sky. A short shuttle bus ride took us to the outer walls of the city which we continued to explore on foot, every turn in the street giving a photo opportunity.


We climbed the steps ….


….to the Alexander Nevski Cathedral….


to look down at the rooftops….


….and even more towers.


A street musician played a traditional key-harp…

P1030382 we descended the steps once again…

P1030384 the town hall…


…..and still more towers.


I sat and talked “Bull” with the locals…


…then continued to walk the pretty streets….


…….never knowing who you might meet in such a fairy-tale setting.


We can’t believe the weather that we are having on this trip, as once again temperatures were up in the mid-twenties with bright sunshine. We returned to the ship to relax after a very busy morning and Sylvia sat on the balcony painting the city scene before us.


This evening was the second of the formal nights, so dressed in our finery we had a lovely dinner and then the production show. This was an acrobatic dancing experience in the style of “Cirque de Soleil”, very well performed although the music wasn’t as good as the visual content.

Later we had coffee in the buffet and met with two other families from Wales, there being quite a large contingent on board. A man from Llanelli told us his bad experiences of his shore excursions in Sweden, Finland and Estonia, and we realised that Tallinn was not a fairy-tale city for everyone!!!


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