As promised the sun was shining bright early this morning and by nine o’clock there was not a free sunbed to be had anywhere near the pool area. With the children in the kid’s club and with today’s leg of the quiz completed I settled down on our rather shaded balcony to write the blog.
Thankfully neither Sylvia or I are sun-worshipers but the lack of available sunbeds might be a problem to some travellers on this ship. We were happy with the occassional excursion around the deck in an endevour to top up the tan.
After lunch the children came to our cabin to cool off in our jacuzzi bath, after which they settled down on our bed to watch a movie.
This evening was the second of the formal nights which entailed dressing up in our posh frocks etc. Not fancying anything on the main restaurant menu we decided to try out The Beach House, a Tex-Mex style eatery that opens in the evenings at the rear of the buffet. For a small cover charge you are treated to a feast of food similar to that you might find in a TGI Fridays. Ollie and Victoria looked very dapper in their finery.
We all tried different starters, Sylvia going for the Chowder, me the Mushroom Alfredo and Victoria a Waldorf Salad. Ollie’s crispy potato skins consisted of a baked potato filled with cheesy mash, more a potato boat than a loaded skin (but delicious anyway).
The mains were enormous, I had mixed ribs (Beef, Lamb and Pork), Oliver a very big burger……..
………Sylvia blackened cod and Victoria the speciality kebab. This consisted of a mix of chicken, chorizo, bacon, lamb and pork medallions served on a huge skewer over a plate of vegetables. Victoria struggled to find a way to eat it !!
After a short break between courses when we entertained by a dancing pod of dolphins following the ship, the puddings arrived. A banana bread & butter pudding for Sylvia and Victoria, Chocolate fudge cake for me and a cheesecake sundae for Oliver. All in all an excellent meal although we are all feeling somewhat full tonight.
Tomorrow our first stop in Valencia. This will the first visit to this city for all of us so we are looking forward to a great day of sight-seeing.